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Alouette Library Learning Commons: Bookmark Contest

Bookmark Contest Rules

The Challenge

Create a unique Alouette Library bookmark for students and staff to use next year. 

The Rules

1.  Any concept or art style is acceptable.

2.  The words “Alouette Library Learning Commons” must appear somewhere on the bookmark.

3.  The bookmark must be entirely your original work. Your name must appear somewhere on the bookmark (usually on one of the edges).

4.  The bookmark must be on the template provided. The bookmark must be able to fit into the 5 cm x 19.5 cm template provided by the library.

5.  Winning bookmark designs will be produced as bookmarks for use by Alouette students and staff.

When you have completed your bookmark, hand it in to Mrs. Waterman in the library.


Bookmark Winners 2024

2023 Winners

2022 Winners

2021 Winners

2019 Winners!

2018 Winners