Indigenous Language Revitalization Curio Theme"I feel stronger, more powerful, wiser..." This is how one language speaker describes the personal impact of learning his mother tongue. This theme explores the efforts underway to reclaim Indigenous languages in Inuit, Métis and First Nations communities throughout Canada.
Learn more about Indigenous languages as well as the tools, programs and resources to help support the reclamation, revitalization, maintenance and strengthening of Indigenous languages in Canada.
French, Anglais, and moreWhy does it matter what language we speak? Or whether anyone else speaks our language?
Fifty years ago, Canada became officially bilingual, partly because the two languages have not always been treated equally.
French was used much more widely in western Canada until it was flooded out by English-speaking settlers — what’s known as the Manitoba schools question was one of the big reasons why.
Of course, before the first speakers of French and English arrived in our country, there were many Indigenous languages being used all over.
There are lots of words that come from First Nations or Inuit languages that everyone in Canada knows.
Demographic changes in North America created shifts in economic and political power (Grade 4). Immigration and multiculturalism continue to shape Canadian society and identity. (Grade 5)