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Design Thinking Stations: Makey Makey

Makey Makey Set-up
  1. Plug in the USB. Big side into computer, small side into Makey Makey.
  2. Connect Earth. Connect one end of the black alligator clip to "Earth" on the bottom of the front side of the Makey Makey.
  3. Connect Yourself. Hold the opposite end of the black alligator clip between your fingers on your right hand--make sure you are touching the metal. Consider yourself "grounded".
  4. Connect to Stuff. Connect the red alligator clip to "Space" on the Makey Makey. Hold the opposite end (the metal part) with your left hand. You are now "connected"
THINK - Look at the board.
  • What happens when you are grounded and connected?
  • What happens when you let go of one of the metal clips. Why?
  • What happens if you connect the red clip to the up arrow?