Great Bear Sea Elementary CurriculumThe Elementary resource has been designed for Grades 4-7, using a hands-on, inquiry- based approach exploring themes of Indigenous Knowledge, collaborative research, marine planning, collaborative decision-making, careers and stewardship. It focuses specifically on Science and Social Studies but can be used cross-curricular as certain activities are Mathematics, English Language Arts, Career Education and Arts Education based. The key subjects have been identified at the beginning of each lesson plan addressing a variety of Big Ideas, content and curricular competencies in the area of learning. The lesson plans, film clips and resources provide a framework for educators to facilitate a unit of study. The lessons have learning outcomes and concepts that build upon each other; however activities have been designed to allow for customization or differentiation as you move through the unit to suit the needs of your environment or learners. This unit can be tailored to suit students’ interests and curiosity as you explore the Great Bear Sea.