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Alouette Library Learning Commons - Teachers' Guide: BUILDaBIZKIDS


The purpose of the grant is to provide educators across Canada with educational tools to enrich the lives of children (ages 7-14) with future-ready educational programming designed to flex 70+ human  essential soft skills and cultivate their growth mindset. 

This program will equip them with technical skills and hands on experience to help them thrive in their future career paths

To Set Up Each User Account in BizKids HQ:

1.     Visit & select “Create Your Account”.

2.     Select Access BizKids HQ.

3.     Click on “Have Your Organization Access Code?” at the bottom of the purchase page.  Our organization access code is 001alo150524

4.     Enter your Organization Access Code into the “Organization Code” box andclick “Apply”.

5.     Select “Purchase” to complete your registration.

Please let Jen Gallop know if you have used a license.  We have 10 licenses but can access more if needed by emailing

Click here to log in once you have created your account.

There is a whole Physical Program with full colour printed lesson plans as well that is kept in my office on the shelf labelled BizKids.